Knaper ~ Ferree ~ Forry Families

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Charles Henry Knaper
My grandfather, Charles Henry Knaper, was born July 21st 1911 to Charles Ferree and Sadie Mae Knaper in Dallastown, York Township, York County, Pennsylvania.
But Sadie didn’t marry Charles Ferree, and the only thing we know about him comes from our families oral history, and my grandfather’s birth certificate. Everything else has faded into history and memory.
What is known, and not for certain, is when my grandfather was born in 1911, his biological father was Charles Ferree who was 19 years old, lived in Dallastown, and worked as a laborer. Being 19 years old in 1911 suggest a 1892 birthdate, which helped us in building a profile.
A search for Charles Ferree began, who would have been born about 1892, lived in Dallastown or surrounding area of York, York County, Pennsylvania, and he would have worked as an unskilled laborer. As the search for any Charles Ferree born 1888-1893 in York County, Pennsylvania began, another name sounding like Ferree began to surface, but spelled Forry.
In 1910 there was a Charles Forry, born about 1891, lived in Dallastown about a two-minute walk from where Sadie lived, and he worked as a cigar maker for a cigar manufacturer like Sadie did. This person hit all of the biological Charles Ferree profile points, except for the spelling of the name.
The name Forry opened up a pandora's box, aided with the results of my Ancestry DNA results and shared member matches. There were only one or two matches with members having the Ferree or Forry names in their family trees. I reached out to one particular member that matched with me as a half 2nd cousin 1x removed or 3rd cousin.
Not many people know their extended cousin relationships, particularly their 2nd to 4th cousins. I focused on my paternal family beginning with my grandfather's wives and their family. I identified his wives extended families to separate them from my grandfather's father's family: the unknown Ferree-Forry. That got me to unknown DNA matches and their family names.
With those matches I continued to identify their relationships to my g-grandmother's parent's extended Knaper-Daugherty families. With some specific members I looked at matches we share together. Eventually, I narrowed member matches down to those who didn't relate to the extended Knapper-Daugherty family lines.
Now I have a set of truly unknown names, who are related to me as 2nd to 4th cousins. And that's where I'm at now.
Here are some of the charts that show my relationships with my DNA paternal cousins, who are identified in the light blue boxes.
--- Knaper ~ Daugherty ~ Keener
--- Knaper ~ Taylor ~ Knaub ~ Hengst
--- Ferree ~ Fry
--- Forry ~ Shue
Here are the "pdf" files to download these diagrams:
--- Knaper ~ Daugherty ~ Keener
--- Knaper ~ Taylor ~ Knaub ~ Hengst
--- Ferree ~ Fry
--- Forry ~ Shue
About DNA
DNA terms to show what percentage of DNA are shared between members.
Cousin Relationships: "cM” Correlation, and the shared % Correlation "pdf" file versions
--- "cM" Cousin Correlations
--- % Cousin Correlations
Family Research Papers
You can also visit the document directory.
--- Charles Henry Knaper (1911-2003)
--- Charles Forry (1890-1962)
--- Sadie Mae Knaper (1890-1970)
--- John Henry Knaper (1852-1918)
--- Jacob E. Kreidler (1868-1946)
--- Mamie Kreidler (1892-1975)
--- Benjamin Franklin Hengst (1862-1926)